Hi there! I’m Mya, let me welcome you to the Fallout: Miami monthly update for the year’s shortest month! This February, we have a little something-something that’s pretty exciting to announce—a gameplay feature you’ve been asking us about for quite a while! We’ve also got some sweet new content, as usual, so let’s get this show on the road!
The boys in the audio department continue to impress! Here’s another new track from Fallout: Miami’s ambient soundtrack!
Composed by George M., Dreamer’s Delight will haunt players exploring Miami’s Maimon region. As the title suggests, this tune is associated with the Dreamers faction—animal mask wearing Luna junkies squatting in the pre-war university campus. Dorms, drugs and delirium, honestly not that different to how it was before the bombs.
Last month, we talked about the slavers of Sunshine Cove; this month, we’ll share some of the location’s history.

This sign, made by Trey Ramm, will greet players who decide to visit the slaver citadel.
Before the bombs fell, Sunshine Cove was the Sunshine Hotel & Casino—a palace of luxury frequented not only by Miami’s wealthiest but also by people of prominence from around the world. Actors, musicians, fat cats of business of both legitimate and not. Hotel & Casino doesn’t just mean rooms and roulette tough, it would often also imply the involvement of the mob. The pearl in Miami’s oyster is no exception.
Back before the Great War, the Cubanos represented a tight-knit community of Cuban elites who has fled the Chinese backed communist revolution in their island home. With a combination of dealings both over and under the table, they took an opportunity to make hay where the sun shined and gained a controlling interest in the hotel while helping it reach the height of its popularity and prestige.
While the Cubanos partially managed the business directly, they left most of the responsibility in the capable hands of one Mr. Goodman, who made sure everything was running smoothly and ensured that even the hotel’s legitimate side made a tidy profit.

Then the bombs fell. Although Miami wasn’t hit directly, it was still affected by the chaos and riots common during apocalyptic events. While the criminal elements within the Cubanos would make sure that the Cuban-American community in Miami survives the end of the world, Mr. Goodman saw an opportunity to carve out his own slice of the Vacation Wasteland.
After some time, the Sunshine Hotel & Casino came to be known as Sunshine Cove, we’ll talk more about it next month! Concept art for Sunshine Cove was drawn by Sfaira, our 2D art lead.
Okay, you’ve been teased long enough, it’s time to talk about that new gameplay feature!
As you know, the Vacation Wasteland plays host to many different factions, each with its own identity, goals and relationship to other groups. Fallout: Miami will feature a faction reputation system similar to the one seen in Fallout: New Vegas!
And what that means is that we also need some slick faction icons! Bruno Sathler & James O’Dwyer are responsible for the ones showcased in this monthly update, which belong to the Nuclear Patriots and a faction we haven’t yet talked about.

Our version of the faction reputation system will be slightly less involved than the one in New Vegas. While we are committed to making an experience that is as deep and interactive as possible, the smaller size and tighter scope of Fallout: Miami means that things won’t get as wildly divergent. Don’t worry though, your actions will still affect your standing with the different factions, opening or closing opportunities and affecting your own particular ending.
Now for your monthly dose of level design screenshots, courtesy of our lead level designer—StarCornet. Oh, and we have some brand new palm tree, made by StarCornet and Tyler Woods (CoolestGuy), our 3D Asset lead.

That just about wraps it up for February, but there’s one other thing before we say g’bye. Last month, we said we’d be releasing the Quad-barrel shotgun soon(™)… Well, it’s been delayed for a little bit, there are some kinks we still need to work out.
We didn’t want to leave you high and dry though, so we’re showing off the amazing animation work by Maksymilian Genewicz (MaxG3D)!
With that out of the way, we just want to remind you that we’re always on the lookout for new talent! If you think you have what it takes to help us make Fallout: Miami a reality, submit your application. You’ll find a link to the form in the description.
See you next month!